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Political Science: Domestic and Foreign Politics in Europe
London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris

This UCLA Political Science Travel Study Program is a four week long (25 days) summer program that satisfies 8 upper division units for the Political Science major. The program is organized by the Political Science Department at UCLA under Professor Mike Lofchie and Professor Barry O'Neill. 

At approximately $5400 (which varies every year), Travel Study is a more affordable option than spending a semester abroad, and it is completely compatible with the quarter system schedule. It allows you to study abroad without disrupting your academic year courses, and you can also take Summer Session C, in case you need to use the other half of summer to take even more units.

For this program, class will be held five days a week from 10 AM - 1PM. Students will reside in double occupancy hotel rooms in Brussels, Amsterdam, and Paris, and in a centrally located student dormitory in London. For meals, there is a swipe card with a 10 GBP meal allowance per day for students to use in London. There will be breakfast provided in Amsterdam. As for Brussels and Paris, there are small kitchenettes available for use. There will also be a number of restaurants and fast food places near the accomodations in all cities. 

Finally, the program sponsors several excursions throughout the duration of the trip, from visitng Vaux le Vicomte to taking a cruise of the Seine river in Paris. Even outside of these planned excursions, the instructors are always enthusiastic to give advice and direction in terms of independent traveling and exploring outside of class. 

For more information, please visit the program website

The UCLA Travel Study Scholarship Program is a relatively new program that sponsors a recipient from one of the various Travel Study programs each year with a scholarship that covers the entire tuition of the program. The recipients are only reponsible for paying transportation and extra living and  travel expenses.

The scholarship is divided into two applications: Program Correspondent and Outreach Coordinator. Program Correspondents record their experiences in creative ways, producing media that can be used to promote awareness and understanding of the programs available. Outreach Coordinators work for the UCLA IEO upon their return to engage future students to participate in UCLA Travel Study. All projects will be showcased on the UCLA IEO website.

For my scholarship, I applied for a Program Correspondent position. My proposed project was to create a blog, Nightingale Street, while abroad and upon my return, repackage and compile a magazine that will serve as a valuable reference for future students. I will also be creating a large visual for UCLA IEO as well as volunteering my services to the office. 

I highly encourage everyone to apply, as it is truly a rewarding scholarship program, in more ways than simply monetarily. In helping to promote the programs, you will also spend a lot of time reflecting and revisiting your memories and will be able to share them with others, prolonging the study abroad experience beyond the travels. 

For more information, please visit the Scholarship page

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