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Don't just take my word for it! Check out what others have to say about their experiences within this amazing program! Have a Smarter Travel For A Better Trip ✈️

What are your reasons for studying abroad?

­Up until about a month ago, I had never traveled outside the United States. I saw this program

as an opportunity to not only learn more about politics in Western Europe but also receive hands

on learning experience as I explored the rich histories of all the different cities we visited. 

What is it like learning in a different environment?

­Personally, I enjoyed learning in a different environment. London was not very different from

UCLA because we were learning in a University setting. In the other countries, I learned to be

flexible because we had class in rooms without any desks or enough seats for everyone. I always

felt like I was learning outside of the classroom too. It is a very enriching experience to learn

something in class and then see it in or apply it to your environment. 

During the free day, what were the best places to see/visit in each location?

­O​n my free day in London, I went to London Pride which was very fun! I would suggest using

that day to also visit museums like the Tate Modern or the British Museum. Another idea would

be going to get afternoon tea! In Brussels, exploring La Grand Place is a must (and getting a

waffle!). In Amsterdam, I would suggest going to the Van Gogh museum. In Paris, I would

recommend going up to the summit of the Eiffel Tower and watching the sunset. Also, if you

love art, go to the Musee d’Orsay! I personally think it is more worthwhile than the Louvre. 

Do you have any tips or tricks about packing/airport etiquette?


When packing, consider the destinations' weather. An umbrella was really helpful. also, pack light! Take advantage of any available wifi at the airport to find directions.

What was your favorite excursion?

­My favorite place was Amsterdam; it's a beautiful city filled with rivers, floral scenes, and bikes. All the cities share the same quality of tall, old buildings and narrow streets.

Do you have any last thoughts, ideas, recommendations, and concerns for future students on this program (i.e. diet, safety, technology)?

­As an upcoming sophomore, I would recommend to freshmen to fulfill the Political Science prerequisites as soon as possible to do this program. Although studying abroad is expensive, there are several resources to assist with the cost, and it is absolutely worth every cent. The best way to save money is to cook at the hotels and to take advantage of any free events, such as soccer games, museums, etc.

How did you budget your money throughout the program? 


I kept a Google document of my expenses. Also, when I withdrew money, I kept my receipts; this helped me monitor my spending from country to country. Yelp and Trip Advisor were also very helpful in finding affordable places to eat. Give yourself a price range of what you’re capable of paying for something and stick to it. 

Did you have a funny cross-cultural experience? If so, what happened? 


In Brussels, Belgium, my friends and I went to an Italian restaurant for dinner, and we wanted to order one pizza for the three of us. However, the restaurant employees only spoke Italian and Flemish (none of us spoke either), and they understood that we each wanted the same pizza, so our waiter came out of the kitchen with three of the same pizza. My friends and I just looked at each other trying to hold back out laughter, realizing we made a mistake when ordering.


    Additionally, in Paris, France I misused the word “mercie” (thank you) for “pardon” (sorry). While in the shopping area of Paris, I accidently stepped on the back of someone’s shoe and instead of saying pardon, I got confused and said mercie instead. It was quite embarrassing, but somewhat funny at the same time. 

Do you have any commentary on the excursions? 

­I loved the Catacombs of Paris. The Catacombs of Paris are underground tombs of human skeletal remains of over 6 million people. In 1774, there was an overflow of humans to burry in cemeteries, and city officials were forced to transfer remains to underground tunnels. The underground cemetery was very impressive and unique. France had a very skillful way in turning skeletal remains into an art form. In some spots of the Catacombs water leakages formed stalagmites and crystals on the skeletal remains. I also liked the Netherlands Parliament excursion in The Hague, Netherlands. Before taking a guided tour of the Netherlands Parliament, the professors let us explore The Hague on our own. I visited the Peace Palace - an administrative building that houses the International Court of Justice and the Permanent Court of Arbitration – it was by far one of the prettiest estates I’ve ever laid eyes on. The Peace Palace inspired me to recall why I chose a path towards a legal career. Our excursion to The Hague made me reminded me of the wonderful experiences studying abroad grants you. 

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